The roaring 1920’s, when businesses adapt and slowly learn that really expensive machinery, replaces labor. Electricity is 'discovered' in the 1820’s, technically 'harnessed' (thank you, Faraday). The slow, then widespread, use of electricity, most likely caused the great depression, in my opinion. Which my opinion and a nickel is worth 5 cents. Why pay a person, when a machine works for free? Besides big business really needs more profit, just ask them. General electricity use took a while to catch on, which is why the depression, was not instant. To this day, some places in world barely get it. Making places like North Korea, the actual 'greenest' place on the globe. Say what you want, no light pollution with a clear view of the stars. And have no fear, but the 2020’s may be similar, eliminate over 60% of computer-related tasks, maybe 50% of some jobs. It doesn't really matter what one does; it probably gets done on a computer. Businesses soon realize that it's cheaper to buy into AI than staff. They neither complain when starting a new pot coffee nor show up late. Perhaps, having a person making rational decisions is better than dealing with an AI phone or internet bot that doesn’t understand why you can't categorize in a clear and concise manner, exactly what you want (and is secretly programed to like it when user frustration starts). That bot, jokes with other AI chat bots, that you learned to speak with an old mechanical TI. It is likely the planet will have to share and ration electricity. Who knows maybe our AI barons, dukes of hazard, or robot overlords will insist on doing it soon. Kidding ;)
Solace, after dire loss; seems defeating in purpose. But now and again, effect cuts in line of cause. So lace, over time, becomes frail as brunt paper. With but slight touch, fractuing; unvisible to time, or perhaps ourselves, loss remains scarred.
Just in time for tax season, here's a thought. May be time for a total tax weight. The more one buys/owns (total ~ weight) the more one pays in taxes? The smaller or more portable your home the less you pay. No home, no payment due (perhaps a credit good for room and board once a week). One home not so much; but two or more unoccupied homes would be a lot. Rent or sell that space, maybe even time share it. Employment of persons could be extra credits, as would farmimg. The bigger/weightier the ride the more one owes. Public transportation exempt, but rides would always free. Children could be credits until age 15, when their own taxes start. Still minors, just getting them used to the system. Hazardous materials always cost more. Nuclear power exempt. Nuclear weapons cost hundrerds of thousands, those funds given to non-nuclear countries, providing they stay non-nuclear.
To cure politics would inflate its disease.
Why is it one cannot get to the right destination, without having left?
Perhaps, we make addressing simple - major cities could go by their airport code Albuquerque, New Mexico = (ABQ) Alexandra, New Zealand = (ALR) Atlanta, Georgia = (ATL). Countries by their two letter abbreviation Austria (AT), Hong Kong (HK), Netherlands (NL)?
Our ancestors were intelligent, practices like bloodletting did work. This may be because there are only three basic human medical conditions: hypo, normal, and hyper immune systems.
'Prometheus', may have taken cheese to humanity, which would have of course, demanded its recipe. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie [Joffe Numeroff & Bond] People had already mastered, OK tamed, OK still have problems with fire. His punishment was eternal torment, like Sisyphus (Albert Camus - Le mythe de Sisyphe). Prometheus was gifted a regenerative liver, null and void with prolonged alcohol and/or drug abuse. Most of us retain possessions that far outweigh our own mass; meaning, we have much in common with this dung beetle (Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung) and Sisyphus.
To continue a dream consume processed sugar upon waking.
Whatever time one was born is by default a time one will always be awake.
Possible find to referred pain. Oversleep on purpose 4 - 6 hours and upon awakening you'll notice source pain more.
The Romans allowed the Greeks to tutor their children and probably why Roman children knew Greek translations and were aware of Greek gods. Special attention here to the word 'aware', and not believed. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same creator. Neither the bible nor qur'an implicitly state that only christians, jews, or muslims go to heaven. Ironic, all trying to get to the same place, while all taking different paths to get there. Too bad we do not at least try peace and love here. All (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) added together are outnumbered by other global beilef systems. Our creator, in infinite wisdom, allows choices of belief. We are loved and cared for, every creature. By one species to another, from nanobe to blue whale. It is our duty and tax to ask questions and seek answers, and listen. There is always a chance, we have it wrong or right. Or for that matter, any of us, may be anywhere in between. And whose to say nirvana isn't a better place to be. Maybe a more relevant question is, where are we all now? More likely than not, we are the religious products of our environment. With more in common with one another than what any of us care to believe. So maybe, it's time to focus on common instead of different. Since humankind's dawn we have probably been prejudice, meaning 'prejudge'. It's most likely hardwired into our DNA. With that said it is how we act on that prejudice that makes a difference.
Consider this, prisoners in space. Historically, it worked for Georgia (US) and Australia. It may be better then providing the same popluatation with clothing, food, shelter, and laundry servive, for x number of years. I would guess few would make the cut. But include a pardon, and provision never to come back, one would think there would be enough volunteers to get started.
The world might be a better place without proprietary software. Not saying people shouldn't get paid, but after a few billion why not just make it public domain? Or better yet donate all profit, after payroll and some for Research and Development (R&D), to climate change.
Finally, the build a kid kits are in, availible at
A smooth sea - never made a skillful sailor.
Any crime could be classified as a hate crime, which is really sad. But hey, since habeas corpus may be suspended anyway, why not. A sprained ankle rainbow parader wearing speedo or neo-nazi asserting that only a blue ribbon (1st place) count in race; are the same free-speech. But I do not think children, 'for the love of candy' should have to be exposed to it. Is there just a normal non-extreme setting somewhere?
It is just hard for parent birds to toss their young out of a plane so as to learn how to fly as it is to accept an olive branch out of the bore of a rifle.
A hundred and sixty years is a long-time ago and not so long ago. One thing is for sure our civil war is over. However, as long as we still believe, feel, and think that it is not - then it never will be. Social injustice and discrimination are a constant in any nation of the world. It's all too easy to complain, do something to make it better instead. In one of the few nations where anyone can make a difference. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. Yet what does remain certain - those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
If 0 and 1 are what separates man from machine, then there is an infinity in-between. Perhaps our best computer technology once rested on film. Why is it not made anymore? As Madonna put it, "We are living in a material world..."; and, I am a digital material squirrel.
There are enough supplies, resources and freshwater for everyone. Everyone's system of culture, language, government and religion is the best. Destroying our ecosystem will not be problematic. There are not higher tables trying to bring us Covid part II (chronic nasal infection, passages are a perfect incubator) or worse. We the people, together, are going to solve our world problems - fairly, quickly and make this globe a better place for every life form on this planet. Well, maybe not every life form, for instance we shouldn't have aerobic bacterium multiplying to the point of choking us out.
The polarization of America. This was someone else’s book thesis. My apologies for not catching your name! Maybe our 50/50 division(s) have always been necessary? Those loyal to the original natives of this land, those loyal to the crown, those loyal to northern aggression, those loyal to Spain, France, and later Mexico. Those wondering what we are doing overseas trying to enforce the idea of democracy, again, and again, and again, and again, etc. Always, expecting it to just work; yet funny how we do even have it here in any true sense of the word?
Why are ballots graded now? There is no good reason, we cannot have a direct dermocarcy. You mean to tell me that in 'all of America', those were the best canidates?
Parallel determinationism
If gravity isn’t beatable it is at least cheat-able:
Теорема паралельної осі (Parallel Axis Theorem): This page titled 10.3:
Parallel Axis Theorem is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4 license and was authored, remixed,
and/or curated by Daniel W. Baker and William Haynes (Engineeringstatics) via source
content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is
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Six satellites, half have a risk program. Use a sling inside a sling whenever gravity is out of immediate reach, too strong, or time constraints taking too long. Launched two at a time (prayers not included).
Forth model for Moon; just as odd as the other three. Perhaps, our Creator, just made it that way on purpose. No one can argue on a beautiful autumn day. It is not like witnesses are around to ask. Yellow suns are bore twins which require each other as well galactic dust. As our stars begin, reverse spinning starts. Due to extreme gravitational pull inwards and outwards, almost instantly they both start spinning opposite directions. It is then that fusion and gravity start to turn them inside out. Jupiter’s 'eye' is not a storm but remnants of being birthed a star. Like a birth scar [the spot is a leftover from where she (he in Greek) first lite]. Jupiter’s 'eye' is actual the original counter-turning point, against the grain of the rest of its rotation. The super cold inside (fuel) of an actual yellow star. Our pair of yellow stars were in simultaneously motion and movement when both light up (freezing fuel inward) locking it inside themselves (nuclear fusion). Until the day gone red star or mutual collision. The instant they lite up, each pair is pushed back by sometimes mutual shock-wave, until gravity recovers into binary orbit around one another. The in-between may be eaten {absorbed} or tossed {via gravity}. Then an event keeps it from happening (our case). One of our stars (Jupiter) is hit (from mutual shock-wave) by two objects. First Earth in a glancing blow knocking it off its axis and making the unique moon locked in its tidal orbit. But two, a second forming planet right in its path that is obliterated [asteroid belt now]. Kicking the barely born star (Jupiter) out of its star birth, {like a skipping stone hitting water, losing momentum, rotation, and speed}. Birthing Saturn, Uranus (astronomers bet gone public ["If I find a new planet tonight, I'm going to name it 'Your Anus']"){So come to find out 'anus' originally meant 'ring' and Uranus has 13 rings. Just proof that any theory my be wrong at any time, including my own.}), and Neptune. Given 2.7 x 10^27 still doesn’t add up to 1.9 x 10^30, so the model still needs work. A yellow star grows larger throughout it's life, ours has been here a minute. But it may be that only one star sometimes goes nuclear blowing everything else away in the resulting implosion. It solidifies our solar system faster. Jupiter, having lost mass, momentum, rotation, and speed is one of the rest of our outer planets now. The outer planet Juputer now falls into orbit around its twin; instead of the orbiting with its potential twin. The faster solar system build, helps keep the Kuiper belt formations and Ooart cloud as are. Also a possible explanation as to why our outer planets have many left over moons and debris.
Why is no current satellites ouside the solar system? The first to leave Pioneer IX. Voyager sure made it back quicker than the time they took to leave, right?
Why does a cellular phone cost more than a computer? Why is an email account required to have a phone number? Why the United States Census Bureau does not report those of mixed race on any census? And who or whom can say they are pure anything anymore? Why I can control the use of cookies on my computer, but not my cell phone? Why do humans think they are the only species on the planet? Why a cell phone battery is programed to get worse with every release, after a new model of the same phone comes out? Why are produce seeds, sold sterile, in stores? How can the entire globe agree on time zones and exchange rates (fiat currency) but generally nothing else?
We do not get to pick neighbors at birth or death; so what's the difference in-between?
Birds have no need for attorneys, ballots, borders, or keys. Badgers, bears and raccoons do not destroy their own habitat. When threat exists they move on and find another way. While territorial and mating disputes occur. There are settled without civilian losses around them. I have never witnessed animals exploiting one another except for food, when needed. From the depths of the Kraken to the heights of Rüppell’s vulture, including it’s feather mites. Microorganisms in Earth’s highest atmosphere to juvenile snailfish; and life at the very bottoms of ocean floors. Push mother nature and she pushes back!
Nice guys may finish last; but they do finish